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Several good links on this post.
This guide is designed as a “get started” or introductory read for the starting to intermediate designer who wants to learn or get more knowledge about cross-DPI and cross-platform design from the very beginning.
No complex math and un-parsable graph, just straight forward explanations ordered in short sections for you to understand and apply directly to your design process.
Written by Sebastien Gabriel.
Have you seen Photoshop? (so far it seem free and complete)
It’s seems a serious graphics tool, I did however found the mouse to slide in a strange way.
o is a pocket reference and proportional protractor for artists, designers, art historians, or anyone interested in systems of proportion. It enables the creation, scaling and measurement of rectangular ratios, making it easy to experiment with proportional combinations for new works or to test hypotheses about the composition of existing works.
View on Brain Pickings or… click on the image to view full graphic.