Tag Archives: bootstrap

javascript helpers

Add fancy behaviour with these enhancement plugins:

  • Toolbar.Js A jQuery plugin that creates tooltip style toolbars
  • bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors with the help of wysihtml5 and Twitter Bootstrap
  • BACKSTRETCH a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element
Bootstrap theme creator


Posted on April 26, 2015, 21:03 By
Categories: Webdesign Tags: ,
Bootstrap themes – KickStart

Use http://www.initializr.com/ to get an HTML5 Boilerplate template with jQuery, Bootstrap and more (you can choose what to put in and what to leave out)

Then goto http://bootstrapzero.com/bootstrap-templates or http://bootswatch.com/ and get one of the beautiful free templates.

On bootstrapzero, there is also some extra functionality in some themes. But I haven’t tested them yet.


Thinking on using one of these two on my next app.

